The Terms and Conditions contract presents all the rules and policies for using the platform/website.

All of our services are exclusively aimed at an adult audience. Under no circumstances do we accept minors under 18 among our users , applies strict processes to prevent access/collection of data from minors under 18.

1. Introduction is the trade name of the company ALTAMAI LLC. is a digital platform with a social network structure that allows commercial interaction between users, Creators (sellers) and Subscribers (consumers). The Creator 's profile page works as a virtual store, where he can make media (photos and videos) publicly available (free of charge) or sell private media in exchange for payment.

The Creator can set prices and require one-time or recurring payments in exchange for access to their private media or physical/digital products.

The Subscriber is the user who purchases and consumes the media shared by the Creator.

All financial transactions are carried out through the third-party payment system integrated with

(1) This document establishes all the rules for using the website and by registering and using the Platform, you accept and agree to follow and respect all the terms established in this document.

(2) Only people over 18 years of age can register and use services. By registering on the website, you declare that you are aware of and agree with this rule.

(3) may modify and update these Terms and Conditions to continue to suit our services. In the event of any modification or change to this document, all users will be notified by email. If you do not agree with the new Terms and Conditions of use established, simply request the closure of your account via email:

When registering with you agree to receive sales notifications via your email account provided during registration. 

  • does not have ownership rights over the media sent by users and any and all comments/opinions shared by users are individual, non-transferable and do not represent the opinions and positions of

  • Total responsibility for the media sent is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user. 

  • Any payment/commercial transaction between Creators and Subscribers will be exclusively processed by CCbill.

  • never processes, saves or stores any payment information within its structure. All transactional data is insured and hosted directly on CCbill servers.

 2. By registering and using our website, you agree that reserves the right to

(1) Monitor and delete user accounts, media or comments that violate the rights of third parties or any situation involving prostitution, harassment, minors under 18; obscene content; defamatory; that propagates hatred or violence (physical or moral) of any kind. 

(2) Modify service fees, business rules, payment/hosting providers and any other service or configuration responsible for the functioning and integrity of the platform. 

(3) Investigate and cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the event of any suspicion or report of improper or illegal use of

3. User account registration and approval

(1) In addition to the basic registration information, the Creator must send a front and back photo of a personal photo document + a selfie photo, holding the document close to the face for social validation. All photos must be taken in an environment with good lighting to guarantee images: definition and adequate resolution. Images that are dark, of low quality or suspected of being edited/montaged will be automatically discarded.

(2) There is no specific deadline for approving user registrations. reserves the right to approve or refuse any registration based exclusively on its own internal criteria.

4. Automatic/recurring transactions 

(1) When making a recurring sale, the Creator agrees to receive 70% (eighty percent) of the amount directly into their bank account. is responsible for covering the transactional costs of Creators ' direct sales , as well as responding to any Chargeback request that may be requested/demanded by the end consumer.

5. Single/unit transactions

(1) also retains a 30% commission on any and all single/unit sales, transacted with Tokens, the platform's own currency. The transfer of 70% of the value of the individual sale will be sent to the Creator 's digital wallet, in the platform menu.(2) For general clarification, single or unitary transactions are all sales made through single payments, free from recurrence or automatic renewal.(3) reserves the right to charge a 30% commission on all transactions relating to: 

  • Subscriptions;

  • Sending Treats (tips); 

  • Video sales;

  • Gallery sales;

(4) For the Live broadcast Service, reserves the right to charge a 40% commission on all transactions.

6. Purchasing Token Packages & Withdrawals

(1) Subscribers can purchase Token Packages directly from the official store . 1 Token (1.00 TØK) is equivalent to $1.00 USD. Tokens work like credits and are stored in a wallet linked to the Subscriber / Creator 's account . Only Subscribers can use their balances to purchase non-recurring subscriptions, videos, photo galleries, store products and even to send Tips.The 30% service fee applied to transactions carried out on the platform will be used to cover

  • Costs of third-party services and platform hosting;

  • Maintenance and service team costs;

  • State and federal taxes

(2) Only Creators can withdraw their Token wallet balances. The Creator may request full or partial transfer of their balance. To begin the withdrawal process, the Creator must create and submit a request through the Withdrawals page in the side menu of their account.

(3) The amounts will be transferred directly to the Creator 's bank account within 48-72 hours. After the full transfer, the Creator 's wallet balance will be liquidated to zero. In cases of partial transfer, the Creator will still have the remaining balance in their wallet for later withdrawal.

(4) Subscribers are strictly prohibited from requesting/demanding a refund for any purchase made with Tokens. It is not possible to reverse/remove credits that have been added to the Subscriber 's wallet . It is up to the subscriber to consume their credits until the balance reaches zero.

 7. Rules for sharing content 

When registering with, it is expressly prohibited:

  • Share images or videos exposing third parties without authorization; 

  • Share links that redirect users to external sales pages;

  • Share any content that presents, encourages, relates, mentions or exposes illegal situations, such as: Drugs, Pedophilia, Prostitution, Theft, use of Weapons, Piracy, among others, activities considered illegal by the country's current law;

  • Share sexual or explicit nudity content in public posts;

  • Share any content that expresses: Hatred, Racism, Xenophobia, or any contempt and lack of respect directly towards a user or non- user ;

  • Share any content that leads directly or indirectly to suspicious links, malware, viruses, or any page that may harm morale, damage equipment and or even provide content that does not follow the rules of this term.

8. Security watermark and illegal content sharing

(1) All images and videos sent to receive a watermark with the user's name printed on it. The security watermark is a sophisticated and exclusive feature that aims to prevent illegal content sharing.In addition to being the user's official and public identification on the platform, the username is unique and non-transferable. In the event of illegal downloading and sharing of images and videos posted on , the watermark may be used to identify and hold the user responsible.

(2) does not offer legal advice to its creators, however, in proven cases of theft and illegal sharing , we reserve the right to provide the personal data of the user responsible for the leaks to the harmed creators, their legal representatives or any institution legal entity that represents the law.

Even with the extra layer of security that offers, we do not guarantee that the media displayed on the website cannot be downloaded and shared illegally. Therefore, is not responsible for the commercialization or improper use of this material in any way whatsoever.

(3) All materials, photographs, videos, software, brands, technologies, names and programs transmitted by Anonimatta are its property and are protected by Copyright Law. When purchasing access to any media on , the Subscriber understands and agrees that they do not own the intellectual property rights to the images, for this reason, it is prohibited to share, adjust, modify, sell, lend an account to third parties or use any media purchased on without prior authorization from the Creator and the platform. It is understood that "payment for access" only provides the right to enjoy and view the purchased media.

(4) The Creator agrees that it is responsible for using 's structure, services and technology to share media, opinions and positions and that it must indemnify or any licensed partner, as well as any successor in the event of losses caused by the published material and illegally disclosed. The amount of compensation will be calculated according to the damage caused, whether reputational or not.

10. Account Deactivation 

  • reserves the right, at any time, to deactivate or suspend accounts that are inactive or that do not respect the terms described here. The following cases are defined: 

  • User accounts that have been inactive for a period longer than 60 days; 

  • Accounts that violate any of the terms of clause 7 “Rules for sharing content” of this term; 

  • When fraud crime is identified; if a Creator advertises and sells a product in their store that does not correspond to the description in the advertisement; 

  • When it is identified that an account uses false or third-party data; 

  • When requested by organizations responsible for law enforcement, through court orders, subpoenas, among others; 

  • Suspended or deactivated accounts may have their wallets blocked from withdrawals for a period of 6 months from the blocking date. This legal measure is applied to cover refund requests or disputes from Subscribers who may feel aggrieved/harmed by the suspension or deactivation of the Creator 's account .

11. Services we do not allow 

( 1 ) It is not permitted to: advertise or offer escort services; fireworks, firearms, drugs, third-party services, such as contests, sweepstakes or any other promotion not expressly authorized by Remembering that your subscription/access is for personal use, and should not be “shared” with third parties. 

12. Disclaimer 

(1) By using any service offered by , you acknowledge and agree that: does not guarantee that its website is free from instabilities or errors. The platform may go offline during maintenance or periodic adjustments. In the event of a service outage or interruption, no effort will be made to notify all users, however, this may not always be possible.  

13. Legislation and Disputes 

(1) You and agree that these Terms will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of United States (without regard to conflict of law provisions) and that any dispute between you and relating to the Platform or arising out of or related to these Terms will be resolved exclusively in the courts of United States. Except, where prohibited by applicable law. Any claim or cause of action by you relating to or arising out of or relating to these Terms must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.  

14. Contact 

If you have any questions, visit our FAQ or send a message to our Support. For other matters or complaints, send an email